In 1992 at the Rio Convention on Biodiversity the UK signed the Biodiversity Convention. This international agreement led to the UK implementing national Biodiversity Action Plans (BAPs) which are evidence led approaches to laying out action to deliver species (and habitat) recovery.

“conserve and enhance biological diversity within the UK, and to contribute to the conservation of global diversity through all appropriate mechanisms”

Local BAPs, in our case North Merseyside BAPs (NMBAPS), were drawn up by the Merseyside Biodiversity Group to assess species and habitat of relevance in the local area and to direct conservation action through local partnerships.

Species Action: Agapanthia villosoviridescens

Only recorded a handful of times in St Helens in 2013 and 2014 this beetle is very much to the North of it’s range. It may well be moving Northwards in response to climate pressures but also requires sensitive management of grasslands. In particular Hogweeds and Cow Parsely. This is certainly one to look out for with it’s flight period given as May to June (though possibly, year round).


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Odonata in North Merseyside

The Beautiful Demoiselle, Calopteryx virgo, is a Damselfly native to the UK and occurs in Cheshire and Cumbria. However, there are currently no verified records of this species for North Merseyside (see The LCFS ‘The Dragonflies of Lancashire and North Merseyside‘, 2015 for further info).

All Odonata (Dragonflies and Damselflies) are considered local conservation priority species particular where there are locally significant breeding sites.


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