Services for Commercial Organisations

We offer a number of products and services for commercial users. These have been designed in partnership with data providers, the planning authorities and with input from users to ensure that you receive all the information we hold that is pertinent to your work and so you have access to the same information against which your work (e.g. planning application) will be reviewed.

Note that all results are provided with a traceable ‘MBB ref’ which we encourage be used to evidence your access request and data use licence. Reports we provide are presented with the view that they should be submitted with your application, so encouraging transparency throughout the review process.

Making your Request

You will need to contact us with your site information and product of choice. Typically a grid reference, search radius and type of data required (e.g. ‘priority species within 2km of SJ417900’). We will then provide a formal quote, no work will be undertaken until you have confirmed your acceptance of the quote.

Review our services and select the most appropriate to your work

We offer several standardised products which are aligned to the local authority review process to ensure you are provided with any information that you may be expected to have considered. Our products therefore differ to account for the scale or scope of your work, broadly including;

Standard Search (2km) – This is the typical comprehensive search which broadly includes all designated species data, priority habitat information, local and designated sites information (including LWS citations), ecological network (strategic natural capital) features and detailed habitat. Information is provided as a PDF report, spreadsheets of data and source information and zipped PDF citations for LWS.

Householder Search (1km) – This is a reduced rate search for single property development or modification to help reduce the cost-burden on homeowners. Information is provided as a PDF report, spreadsheets of data and source information and zipped PDF citations for LWS.

Single Species Search (2km) – This is a reduced rate search where a single species (e.g. Great Crested Newt) or Bat search is required. Information is provided as a PDF report, spreadsheets of data and source information.

Local Wildlife Site Search (2km) – This service is provided free of charge at the request of the Local Sites Partnership where only Local Sites information is required. Note Local Sites are included with the above standard and householder searches. Information is provided as PDF citations and images showing Local Site intersections with your search area.

Non-Standard Search (variable) – We also provide the standard search output for non-standard areas which may include very large housing or industrial developments or infrastructure projects. Please contact us to discuss requirements. These can include everything in the ‘standard search’ with data also provided in GIS formats for ease of interpretation.

Wintering & Priority Birds – Information on Wintering and Priority Birds should be requested directly from the Vice-County Bird Recorder, Steve White

Define your site

We query data spatially so we need to know your site location. At its most basic this need only be a Grid Reference of at least 6-figures (e.g. SJ417900). You can use an online tool such as ‘Grab a Grid‘ to help you obtain your grid reference.

We can also accept GIS layer of site boundaries in any GIS format (note most CAD outputs are not projected using a useable coordinate system). Please do not send a pre-buffered search area only as we need to generate as part of the search process.

We can also accept images with clear outlines of your site and will digitise this in house. Note that the digitisation process will not affect your quote but may extend the time required to complete the work.

Specify your search area

Each search product has a default search are which we will use if you do not specify an alternative (see above for product defaults). Note that reducing the radius will not typically reduce the product rate. Extending the radius beyond the default may increase the rate as laid out in the policy. Requesting multiple search radii will attract multiple charges. If you have a complex site or request then please contact us first to discuss options.

In some circumstances you may wish to define your own search radius such as for a non-standard search. Search radius is applied to the site boundary or grid reference provided. Note that search radius above the default will attract an additional charge based on the extra area of coverage. See our charging policy for details.

Any other information?

If there are any requirements outside the scope of the search as detailed then please do let us know. We do not offer a fast track service due to staffing limitations however if you let us know that you require and expedited return then we will try to prioritise your response.

We can also provide information in alternate formats (e.g. GIS layers) or provide additional mapping for an additional fee where not already included.

What can you expect from us?

On receiving your search request we will generate a formal quote which will confirm the information you will receive and any fee applicable. No work will be undertaken until we receive your email or written response including; a purchase order number (or chargeable reference), an invoice address and confirmation that you or your client has accepted the quote.

Results are typically provided within five working days from receipt of the information requested in the formal quote and will be in the formats specified by the product. Typically these will be provided by email but where this is not practical a temporary ‘cloud’ download link will be used. Should you require the information to be sent in another format then please let us know.

The invoice itself will be sent after the results are provided to you. The invoice will come from Sefton Council our hosting organisation.

*This page is intended as a guide. Fees may be subject to change. A formal quote will always be provided and agreed before any work is carried out.