Keep up to date and inspired with the latest wildlife notes, news and nature stories from across our region. Content is largely provided by volunteers and local naturalists sharing their own discoveries and interests. If you have something you would like to share, no matter how long or short! Then we would love to hear from you.

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Dr Phil Smith – Wildlife Notes January 2025

According to the Met Office, January was one of the sunniest on record for the UK but was a little colder and drier than normal. The month’s rainfall in Formby, measured by Rachael Parks, totalled 75.5 mm, a little below average. On 24th, named storm Éowyn was the UK’s most powerful wind storm for over…

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Dr Phil Smith – Wildlife Notes November 2024

The Met. Office described November as: “A month of two halves.” The first fortnight was dominated by ‘anticyclonic gloom’; grey skies, mild and calm conditions caused by high pressure trapping a low-level layer of cloud. From mid-month, temperatures fell and unsettled weather prevailed, including a named storm and spells of rain. There was even an…

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Dr Phil Smith – Wildlife Notes October 2024

The Met Office ‘blog’ tells us that the UK weather in October was pretty average. Temperatures, sunshine hours and rainfall were all roughly normal. Rachael Parks measured 95.5 mm of precipitation in her Formby garden; also about average for the month. There was one particularly wet day on 16th and a named storm ‘Ashley’ on…

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Dr Phil Smith -Wildlife Notes September 2024

Although we didn’t get the deluges that affected the Midlands and Southern England, 20 ‘rain-days’ and 112mm of precipitation meant that September in Formby was distinctly wetter than normal. We also had below average sunshine and it was slightly cooler than expected, though there were a couple of warm spells early on and towards the…

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