Scientists discover why Cuckoos’ clocks can’t adjust to climate change
Spring is arriving earlier each year but Cuckoos are unable to shift the timings of their annual migration in response.
Spring is arriving earlier each year but Cuckoos are unable to shift the timings of their annual migration in response.
The recent spread of Avian Influenza among threatened gulls and terns is gathering pace, say experts from the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO).
The British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) has fitted 10 more Cuckoos with state-of-the-art satellite tags, allowing scientists and the general public to track their annual migration to central Africa and back.
I thought we had got away without a spring drought this year but no such luck. May provided begrudging rainfall on only six days and nothing after 19th. Rachael Parks sent me rain-gauge data from her Formby garden. Her May total was 28.5 mm, this being 50% of the long-term average. Met. Office maps for May show that Greater Manchester and north Merseyside were the driest areas in England.