Philip H. Smith, November 2022
Floristic data were collected each year from 2011 to 2022 on embryo dunes and an associated wetland that began to form on Ainsdale beach in 2008 as a southern extension of Birkdale Green Beach. Named the ‘Newest Green Beach’ and eventually covering 2.4 ha, this feature developed rapidly by accretion of blown sand, initially around Puccinellia maritima (Common Saltmarsh-grass), to form a dune ridge over 4 m in height, protecting a seasonally-flooded primary dune-slack. By 2022, 245 vascular taxa (species subspecies and hybrids) had been recorded for the feature. Annual totals initially showed an almost linear increase in the number of plants over time. The rate of increase in species-richness for the ridge was much lower than for the slack, except in 2021, when a contribution from an exceptionally rich strandline flora added 41 taxa to the year total. After 2019, slack totals declined, following a ‘hump-back’ model that describes a trend of species richness during succession. About 18% of the flora was regionally or nationally notable, reflecting the known conservation value of early successional dune habitats. Only about 14% of the recorded plants were non-native, this low figure being thought due to the harsh maritime conditions and distance from gardens. A trend of falling mean Ellenberg indicator salinity (S) values showed that a slack community adapted to brackish conditions changed, within a few years, to one largely composed of species with little tolerance to salinity. In contrast, there was a much less steep decline in S-values for the ridge, which was dominated by halophytic dune-building grasses. Other interests included breeding Natterjack Toads in some years, together with nationally rare bryophytes and invertebrates.
‘Green Beach’ features on the foreshore at Birkdale on the Sefton Coast, north Merseyside, began to form in 1986 around patches of Puccinellia maritima (Common Saltmarsh-grass). These accreted sand, producing an embryo dune ridge with a developing wetland in its lee, the new land-forms extending southwards towards Ainsdale (Smith, 2007). The ‘Newest Green Beach’, north of Ainsdale-on-Sea (National Grid Reference SD299134), originated in about 2008 (Fig. 1). Smith (2011; 2021b) and Smith & Lockwood (2012; 2013; 2014; 2015; 2016, 2017, 2018; 2019; 2021a) reported on its rapid development from an open foreshore that had previously been part of a beach carpark. The feature represents a southwards extension of the existing ‘New Green Beach’ which was established in 2004 (Smith & Lockwood, 2021b). By 2011, the Newest Green Beach ridge was about 270 m long and 24 m wide, with a maximum height of about 1.5 m in the centre. Although its overall dimensions altered little in the next few years, maximum ridge height increased to 2 m in 2012 and 2.5 m in 2013. The seasonally-flooded wetland behind the ridge was about 40 m wide. Following a series of storm surges in the 2013/14 winter, most of the ridge was washed away; it recovered to a maximum height of 2.3 m by autumn 2014 and 4 m five years later.

Fig. 1. Aerial photograph of the Newest Green Beach in 2021 (Google Earth)
Each year from 2011, several visits were made between spring and autumn to record vascular plants colonizing the newly formed ridge and wetland, the latter becoming increasingly vegetated over time, at first forming a saltmarsh resembling the UK National Vegetation Classification’s (NVC) SM13: Puccinellia maritima saltmarsh (Rodwell, 2000). Twenty-seven vascular taxa were identified in 2011, most being associated with the ridge, only six being in the saltmarsh. Subsequently, the floristics of both habitats changed rapidly, 59 plants being recorded in 2012, increasing to 72 in 2013 and 85 in 2014, then a small decline to 81 in 2015. Subsequent years showed a progressive increase to 193 taxa by 2021, the latter figure including many new taxa associated with exceptionally diverse strandline vegetation (Smith, 2022). At the same time, the wetland, now a primary dune-slack, became much more heavily vegetated. In 2021, ridge (and strandline) plants totalled 122, while the slack supported 116 vascular taxa.
Analysis of Ellenberg salinity values (Hill et al., 2004) from 2012 to 2021 showed a rapid shift, especially in the slack flora, towards plants with less adaptation to saline conditions, the former saltmarsh becoming a freshwater wetland with both dune-slack and swamp characteristics.
2022 survey
Recording visits were made from spring to autumn in 2022, using the same methods as previously to record physical and floristic changes.
Physical changes
By autumn 2022, the main ridge was about 340 m long, its maximum height and width being estimated at 4.5 m and 45 m respectively (Fig. 2). The total area of the feature, including the slack, was about 2.4 ha. Originally described in 2019, extensive growths of Puccinellia maritima on the upper shore to the west of the Newest Green Beach were reduced to scattered patches in 2022, being more extensive in the area opposite the ‘Even Newer Green Beach’ to the south. In contrast to 2020/21, the winter and spring of 2021/22 were excessively dry, so that slack flooding was shallow and transient (Fig 3). Breeding by Natterjack Toads (Epidalea calamita) was therefore not possible.

Floristic changes
As before, separate plant lists were compiled for the ridge (plus strandline) and the slack (Table 1). A total of 141 vascular taxa was recorded for the two main habitats combined in 2022, compared with 193 the previous year. Ridge and strandline plants totalled 65 as opposed to 122 in 2021, this difference being due to the exceptional richness of the strandline in 2021 (Smith, 2022). The slack count also decreased from 116 to 106 taxa. Overall, seven new plants were recorded in 2022 making a grand total of 245 vascular taxa listed for the site since detailed recording began in 2011 (Table 1). Of these, 44 (18%) are regionally or nationally notable and 35 (14.3%) non-native or introduced native taxa.
Fig. 4 shows a curvilinear relationship between species-richness and time for both main habitats combined. The large increase in strandline species in 2021 steepened the trend but lower numbers in 2022 continued the tendency since 2018 for the curve to level off. Separating the data for ridge and slack (Fig. 5) shows that most of the increase since 2013 was attributable to the slack flora, the rise in the number of taxa identified on the ridge being much less steep, until 2021 which was influenced by the high number of species on the strandline (Smith, 2022). Numbers of slack plants reached a peak in 2019, with a downwards trend since then (Fig. 5).

Fig 4. Changes in annual number of vascular plants on the Newest Green Beach, 2011-2022 (fitted line polynomial)

Fig. 5. Changes in the number of vascular plants on the ridge (blue) and slack (red), 2011-2022 (fitted lines polynomials)
Twenty-nine regionally or nationally notable plants were identified in 2022 (20.6% of the year total), this being a larger proportion than the 16.6% recorded the previous year. Two new notable species were recorded: Eleocharis uniglumis (Slender Spike-rush) (Fig. 6) and Pyrola rotundifolia subsp. maritima), both in the slack. First recorded in 2017, Dactylorhiza incarnata subsp. coccinea (Early Marsh-orchid) and Parnassia palustris (Grass-of-Parnassus) (Fig. 7) continued to increase, the latter reaching an estimated 10,000+ flowering plants, especially in the northern section of the slack. D. praetermissa (Southern Marsh-orchid) and Epipactis palustris (Marsh Helleborine)were also well represented. The latter flowered spectacularly in July, also in the northern sector (Fig. 8).
Only 13 non-native or introduced native plants were recorded in 2022 (9.2% of the year total). This is an extremely small proportion, bearing in mind that about 40% of the Sefton Coast flora as a whole is considered alien (Smith, 2015; 2020). Visually, the slack appeared more heavily vegetated than in 2021 (Fig. 9). The original hummocky sward of Puccinellia maritima had completely disappeared; indeed, P. maritima was not recorded for the slack after 2018, while most of the area was dominated by large, coalescing, patches of Agrostis stolonifera (Creeping Bent), Bolboschoenus maritimus (Sea Club-rush), Phragmites australis (Common Reed) and Juncus articulatus (Jointed Rush). These were accompanied by a wide variety of saltmarsh, swamp and dune-slack species, though mainly at low frequencies. As in 2021, Juncus ranarius (Frog Rush), previously a feature of the open brackish marsh community, was not found.

Reference to descriptions and keys in Rodwell (1995) showed that much of the slack vegetation has similarities to the NVC’s S21c: Scirpus (Bolboschoenus) maritimus swamp, Agrostis stolonifera sub-community, a finding that was discussed by Smith & Lockwood (2016). The density of Salix (willows) increased (Fig. 10), nine taxa being recorded, as in 2021. S. cinerea (Grey Willow) and S. repens (Creeping Willow) were the most frequent, especially towards the western fringe of the slack, accompanied by occasional S. caprea (Goat Willow). Bushes of the nationally rare hybrid Salix ×friesiana were also noted, 16 being recorded the previous year (Smith, 2021b). Many willows were attacked by the Brown Willow Beetle (Galerucella lineola), though damage was not as extensive as in 2021.Young Alnus glutinosa (Alder) bushes, seen for the first time in 2017, increased in frequency and height (Fig. 11). As before, any plants of the invasive Hippophae rhamnoides (Sea Buckthorn) were removed when found.

The ridge was dominated by a dense stand of Ammophila arenaria (Marram) with patches of Leymus arenarius (Lyme-grass) and much Elymus junceiformis (Sand Couch), especially on the seaward side, representing the NVC’s SD4: Elytrigia juncea (=Elymus junceiformis) foredune and SD6: Ammophila arenaria mobile dune community (Rodwell, 2000) (Fig. 2). The transitional zone between the ridge and marsh had a higher species-richness, reflecting a degree of shelter and reduced rain of blown sand, much of which is now intercepted by the ridge.
Salinity values Fig. 11 shows that mean Ellenberg salinity (S) indicator values for the ridge plus strandline plants declined only from about 2 to 1, while slack S values fell much more steeply, from about 3.5 in 2011 to between 0.8 and 0.6 from 2019 onwards. The ridge showed a marked up-tilt in mean S-values in 2021 and 2022; this may have been due to a greater variety of maritime plants with high salinity values associated with the strandline.

Fig. 11. Mean annual Ellenberg salinity values for the ridge + strandline (blue) and slack (red), 2011-2022 (fitted lines polynomials)
Other observations
Previous reports (Smith, 2021b; Smith & Lockwood 2013; 2014; 2015; 2016; 2017; 2018; 2019; 2021a) noted the frequent occurrence of the nationally rare Northern Dune Tiger Beetle (Cicindela hybrida) on the Newest Green Beach dune ridge. This species was again present, though survey data were not collected.
The embryo dunes of the Newest Green Beach are recognised as an important habitat for an endemic subspecies of the Sandhill Rustic moth (Luperina nickerlii subsp. gueneei) (Smith & Lockwood, 2018) but monitoring did not take place in 2022 (R. Burkmar, pers. com.). A Mottled Grasshopper (Myrmeleotettix maculata) was recorded at the northern end of the ridge (Fig. 12), while the colourful true bug Corizus hyoscyami was noted on Common Fleabane in the slack. Natterjack Toads did not breed this year. Bryophytes recorded in previous years on the fringes of the Newest Green Beach slack include the nationally rare boreal moss Bryum warneum (Sea Bryum) and the thallose liverwort Petalophyllum ralfsii (Petalwort) (Callaghan, 2021). These species are listed as being of principal importance for the conservation of biodiversity in England under Section 41 of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006. They were not monitored in 2022 (A. Hampson, pers. com.)

Fig. 12. Mottled Grasshopper female, Newest Green Beach, August 2022
As described in earlier reports (Smith, 2011; 2021b; Smith & Lockwood, 2012; 2013; 2014; 2015; 2016; 2017; 2018; 2019; 2021a), the Newest Green Beach is continuing to evolve rapidly. Its plant species-richness is extremely high for an area of only 2.4 ha, with 213 vascular taxa listed since 2011.This accords with the known biodiversity of early successional stage dune-slacks (Ranwell, 1972; Rodwell, 2000). Thus, Smith (2006) identified 213 vascular plants in 26 secondary slacks with a total area of 3.3 ha in the Birkdale frontal dunes, adjacent to the study area. The number of taxa on the Newest Green Beach has mostly increased each year but the rate of addition is now declining, at least in the slack, where the amount of bare ground available for colonisation is now much reduced and the annual number of plants is going down (Fig. 5). This follows the ‘hump-back’ model of the relationship between species-richness and succession described by Isermann (2011), although her 15-year study involved dry dune habitats, rather than wet-slacks.
The mosaic nature of the slack vegetation accords with the findings of Blanchard (1952) who observed that different species invade shortly after slack formation, subsequently spreading from their point of origin to form dominant patches with little intermingling.
At 9.2% of the total, the number of non-native plants in 2022 continues to be relatively low, compared with about 40% aliens for the dune system as a whole (Smith, 2015). This low percentage is thought to be due to the harsh maritime conditions and distance from the nearest gardens to the Newest Green Beach (0.75 km).
The proportion of regionally and nationally notable plants (20.6%) was higher than in 2021 (16.6%). This may be because many of the new strandline taxa found in 2021 are relatively common, thereby depressing the percentage of notable species in that year. The 2022 figure is a little higher than the 17% notable taxa recorded for the Sefton duneland (Smith, 2015), confirming the high conservation value of these young calcareous habitats in a landscape that has become increasingly overgrown by coarse vegetation and scrub in recent decades.
The rapid invasion of willows and recent appearance of Alder parallels changes noted on older Green Beach sites to the north (Smith & Lockwood, 2021b).The speedy development of swamp communities in the slack may be related to availability of soil nutrients. Thus, in a study of slack soils of known age along Birkdale Green Beach, Page (2018) found that that the concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium all increased over time, though the rate of increase for nitrogen was slow at 0.78g/m2/yr. The rate of succession, especially in the Newest Green Beach slack, seems particularly high and accords with that described by Smith & Lockwood (2021b) on the adjacent New Green Beach.
The trend of mean annual Ellenberg salinity values in the slack shows that, within a few years, a saltmarsh community adapted to saline conditions changed to one dominated by freshwater wetland species with little tolerance of salinity (Hill et al., 2004). In contrast, the decline of mean S values for the ridge vegetation was much slower, presumably because this habitat continued to be dominated by dune-building grasses, which have some degree of salt-tolerance. The changes in the slack are similar to those that took place from 2004 onwards in the older New Green Beach, where halophytes were rapidly replaced by plants adapted to freshwater conditions, as swamp and dune-slack vegetation replaced saltmarsh flora. The composition of the New Green Beach ridge flora also changed relatively little during this period (Smith & Lockwood, 2021b). Together with the older and younger sections of Birkdale Green Beach (Smith, 2007; 2021a; Smith & Lockwood, 2021b) the rapidly developing feature described here provides a time sequence of ecological succession that continues to have considerable scientific and research interest, together with high nature conservation value.
Blanchard, B.1952. An ecological survey of the vegetation of the sand-dune system of the south west Lancashire coast, with special reference to an associated marsh flora. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Liverpool.
Callaghan, D. (2021). Survey of Bryum calophyllum, B. warneum and Petalophyllum ralfsii on the Sefton Coast, Merseyside. Unpublished report to Natural England.
Hill, M.O., Preston, C.D. & Roy, D.B. 2004. PLANTATT. Attributes of British and Irish plants: status, size, life history, geography and habitats. Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Cambridgeshire.
Isermann, M. 2011. Patterns in species diversity during succession of coastal dunes. Journal of Coastal Research 27: 661-671.
Page, J. 2018. The pedology of successional change in dune-slacks at Birkdale Green Beach, North Merseyside. B.Sc. dissertation, University of Lancaster.
Ranwell, D.S. 1972. Ecology of salt marshes and sand dunes. Chapman & Hall, London.
Rodwell, J. S. (ed.) 1995. British plant communities volume 4. Aquatic communities, swamps and tall-herb fens.Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Rodwell, J. S. (ed.) 2000. British plant communities volume 5. Maritime communities and vegetation of open habitats.Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Smith, P.H. 2006. Changes in the floristic composition of sand-dune slacks over a twenty-year period.Watsonia26: 41-49.
Smith, P.H. 2007. The Birkdale Green Beach – a sand-dune biodiversity hotspot. British Wildlife 19:11-16.
Smith, P.H. 2011. The Newest Green Beach at Ainsdale on the Sefton Coast. Unpublished report.
Smith, P.H. 2015. A revision of the inventory of vascular plants for the Sefton Coast, north Merseyside (v.c. 59, South Lancashire), with particular reference to the 2014 Red List for England. BSBI News 129: 36-40.
Smith, P.H. 2020. Increasing status of non-native vascular plants in the Sefton Coast sand-dune system, north Merseyside, UK. British & Irish Botany 2: 102-126.
Smith, P.H. 2021a. The ‘Even Newer Green Beach’, Ainsdale-on-Sea, Sefton Coast: 2021 update. Unpublished report.
Smith, P.H. 2021b. The Newest Green Beach at Ainsdale, Sefton Coast – 2021 update. Unpublished report.
Smith, P.H. 2022. Exceptional diversity of strandline plants at Ainsdale-on-Sea, Merseyside. BSBI News 149: 3-10.
Smith, P.H. & Lockwood, P.A. 2012. The Newest Green Beach at Ainsdale – 2012 update.Unpublished report.
Smith, P.H. & Lockwood, P.A. 2013. The Newest Green Beach at Ainsdale – 2013 update.Unpublished report.
Smith, P.H. & Lockwood, P.A. 2014. The Newest Green Beach at Ainsdale, Sefton Coast – 2014 update. Unpublished report.
Smith, P.H. & Lockwood, P.A. 2015. The Newest Green Beach at Ainsdale, Sefton Coast – 2015 update. Unpublished report.
Smith, P.H. & Lockwood, P.A. 2016. The Newest Green Beach at Ainsdale, Sefton Coast – 2016 update. Unpublished report.
Smith, P.H. & Lockwood, P.A. 2017. The Newest Green Beach at Ainsdale, Sefton Coast – 2017 update. Unpublished report.
Smith, P.H. & Lockwood, P.A. 2018. The Newest Green Beach at Ainsdale, Sefton Coast – 2018 update. Unpublished report.
Smith, P.H. & Lockwood, P.A. 2019. The Newest Green Beach at Ainsdale, Sefton Coast – 2019 update. Unpublished report.
Smith, P.H. & Lockwood, P.A. 2021a. The Newest Green Beach at Ainsdale, Sefton Coast – 2020 update. Unpublished report.
Smith, P.H. & Lockwood, P.A. 2021b. Fifteen years of habitat, floristic and vegetation change on a pioneer sand-dune and slack system at Ainsdale, north Merseyside, UK. British & Irish Botany 3: 232-262.
Table 1. Vascular plant list for the ridge and strandline (2012-22)
* = non-native or introduced native; a = abundant; f = frequent; o = occasional; r = rare; l = locally v = very. Stat = conservation status; NR = Nationally Rare; NS = Nationally Scarce; VU = Vulnerable; NT = Near Threatened; Italics = England Red List; SCI = Species of Conservation Importance in North West England.
Nomenclature follows C.A. Stace’s New Flora 4th edition, 2019, with amendments
Taxon | English name | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | Stat |
Agrostis stolonifera | Creeping Bent | r | r | la | la | la | la | la | la | lf | la | lf | |
Aira praecox | Early Hair-grass | vlf | |||||||||||
Ammophila arenaria | Marram | la | la | la | a | a | a | a | a | a | a | a | |
Anacamptis pyramidalis | Pyramidal Orchid | r | SCI | ||||||||||
Angelica archangelica* | Garden Angelia | r | r | ||||||||||
Angelica sylvestris | Common Angelica | r | |||||||||||
Anthyllis vulneraria | Kidney Vetch | r | vlf | vla | la | la | la | la | |||||
Apium graveolens | Wild Celery | r | SCI | ||||||||||
Arctium minus | Lesser Burdock | r | |||||||||||
Arenaria serpyllifolia | Thyme-leaved Sandwort | r | vlo | vlf | |||||||||
Arrhenatherum elatius | False Oat-grass | r | r | r | |||||||||
Artemisia maritima | Sea Wormwood | r | NT SCI | ||||||||||
Artemisia vulgaris | Mugwort | r | r | ||||||||||
Asparagus officinalis | Garden Asparagus | r | r | r | r | ||||||||
Atriplex glabriuscula | Babington’s Orache | o | r | lo | r | ||||||||
Atriplex laciniata | Frosted Orache | o | r | r | lo | lo | SCI | ||||||
Atriplex littoralis | Grass-leaved Orache | o | r | r | lo | ||||||||
Atriplex portulacoides | Sea-purslane | r | r | ||||||||||
Atriplex prostrata | Spear-leaved Orache | o | o | o | o | o | r | o | lf | lo | lf | ||
Bellis perennis | Daisy | r | r | ||||||||||
Bidens tripartita | Trifid Bur-marigold | r | |||||||||||
Blackstonia perfoliata | Yellow-wort | r | |||||||||||
Beta vulgaris ssp. maritima | Sea Beet | o | o | o | r | lo | |||||||
Bolboschoenus maritimus | Sea Club-rush | vla | vla | vla | o | la | lo | r | |||||
Brassica napus | Wild Turnip | r | r | ||||||||||
Brassica oleraceus* | Cabbage | r | |||||||||||
Cakile maritima | Sea Rocket | o | o | o | o | lf | r | o | r | lo | lf | ||
Carex arenaria | Sand Sedge | r | o | o | lf | lf | lf | lf | lf | lf | |||
Carex otrubae | False Fox-sedge | r | r | ||||||||||
Centaurium erythraea | Common Centaury | r | |||||||||||
Centaurium pulchellum | Lesser Centaury | r | r | SCI | |||||||||
Cerastium diffusum | Sea Mouse-ear | r | lf | r | lf | ||||||||
Cerastium fontanum | Common Mouse-ear | r | r | r | r | r | r | ||||||
Chenopodium album | Fat-hen | r | lo | ||||||||||
Cirsium arvense | Creeping Thistle | r | r | r | r | o | o | o | r | r | |||
Cirsium vulgare | Spear Thistle | o | r | ||||||||||
Cochlearia danica | Danish Scurvy-grass | vla | |||||||||||
Convolvulus arvensis | Field Bindweed | r | r | ||||||||||
Crepis capillaris | Smooth Hawk’s-beard | r | r | o | o | o | |||||||
Crepis vesicaria* | Beaked Hawk’s-beard | r | r | o | o | o | o | ||||||
Cynoglossum officinale | Hound’s-tongue | r | r | r | r | NT, NT, SCI | |||||||
Dactylis glomerata | Cock’s-foot | r | r | ||||||||||
Elymus junceiformis | Sand Couch | la | la | la | a | a | a | a | la | la | la | la | |
Elymus repens | Common Couch | o | o | o | o | lf | |||||||
Epilobium ciliatum* | American Willowherb | r | |||||||||||
Epilobium hirsutum | Great Willowherb | r | r | r | r | vlo | lf | r | |||||
Epilobium obscurum | Short-fruited Willowherb | r | |||||||||||
Epilobium parviflorum | Hoary Willowherb | r | r | lo | r | ||||||||
Erigeron acris | Blue Fleabane | r | r | r | r | ||||||||
Erigeron canadensis* | Canadian Fleabane | r | r | o | r | o | |||||||
Erigeron sumatrensis* | Guernsey Fleabane | r | r | r | o | ||||||||
Erodium cicutarium | Common Stork’s-bill | r | r | r | |||||||||
Eryngium maritimum | Sea Holly | r | r | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | NT SCI |
Euphorbia paralias | Sea Spurge | r | r | o | lf | lf | o | lf | la | la | la | lf | SCI |
Fallopia convolvulus | Black Bindweed | r | |||||||||||
Festuca rubra | Red Fescue | r | r | vla | vla | lf | lf | lf | |||||
Galium aparine | Cleavers | r | |||||||||||
Helianthus annuus* | Sunflower | r | lo | ||||||||||
Helosciadium nodiflorum | Fool’s Water-cress | r | |||||||||||
Heracleum sphondylium | Hogweed | r | |||||||||||
Hippophae rhamnoides* | Sea Buckthorn | r | r | o | r | ||||||||
Holcus lanatus | Yorkshire-fog | o | vlf | r | o | r | lo | ||||||
Honckenya peploides | Sea Sandwort | r | r | lo | r | vlf | o | lo | |||||
Hordeum vulgare* | Barley | r | |||||||||||
Hypochaeris radicata | Cat’s-ear | r | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | lf | lf | lf | |
Impatiens glandulifera* | Himalayan Balsam | r | |||||||||||
Iris pseudacorus | Yellow Iris | r | r | ||||||||||
Jacobaea vulgaris | Common Ragwort | r | o | o | o | o | o | lf | o | o | o | o | |
Juncus articulatus | Jointed Rush | o | r | r | r | o | o | r | r | lo | r | ||
Juncus bufonius | Toad Rush | r | r | lo | lf | ||||||||
Juncus inflexus | r | ||||||||||||
Leontodon saxatilis | Lesser Hawkbit | r | lo | o | o | o | o | ||||||
Leymus arenarius | Lyme-grass | lf | lf | lf | la | la | la | la | la | la | la | la | |
Lolium perenne | Perennial Rye-grass | o | r | r | r | r | |||||||
Lotus corniculatus | Common Bird’s-foot-trefoil | r | vla | vla | vla | vla | vla | vla | |||||
Lycopus europaeus | Gypsywort | r | r | o | r | r | lo | ||||||
Lysimachia maritima | Sea Milkwort | r | r | r | lo | vlf | vlf | vlf | r | vlo | |||
Medicago lupulina | Black Medic | r | |||||||||||
Melilotus alba* | White Melilot | r | |||||||||||
Melilotus indicus* | Small Melilot | r | |||||||||||
Melilotus officinalis* | Common Melilot | r | |||||||||||
Mentha aquatica | Water Mint | r | |||||||||||
Myosotis laxa | Tufted Forget-me-not | r | |||||||||||
Nasturtium officinale | Water-cress | lo | |||||||||||
Oenanthe crocata | Hemlock Water-dropwort | r | r | r | r | ||||||||
Oenothera glazioviana* | Large-flowered Evening-primrose | r | |||||||||||
Oenothera × fallax.* | Evening-primrose | r | r | r | r | r | o | o | r | o | lo | ||
Ononis repens | Common Restharrow | r | r | r | r | ||||||||
Oxybasis rubra | Red Goosefoot | o | r | r | lo | SCI | |||||||
Panicum miliaceum* | Common Millet | r | |||||||||||
Pastinaca sativa | Wild Parsnip | r | r | r | r | ||||||||
Persicaria hydropiper | Water-pepper | r | |||||||||||
Persicaria lapathifolia | Pale Persicaria | r | |||||||||||
Persicaria maculosa | Redshank | lo | |||||||||||
Phalaris arundinacea | Reed Canary-grass | r | r | ||||||||||
Phleum arenarium | Sand Cat’s-tail | r | r | vlf | vlf | SCI | |||||||
Phragmites australis | Common Reed | r | vlf | vlf | vlf | vlf | vlf | vlf | vlf | vlf | |||
Plantago coronopus | Buck’s-horn Plantain | r | r | r | |||||||||
Plantago lanceolata | Ribwort Plantain | r | r | r | |||||||||
Plantago major | Great Plantain | r | r | r | r | lo | |||||||
Plantago maritima | Sea Plantain | r | r | r | r | r | r | ||||||
Poa annua | Annual Meadow-grass | r | r | lo | |||||||||
Poa pratensis | Smooth Meadow-grass | r | |||||||||||
Poa trivialis | Rough Meadow-grass | vlf | |||||||||||
Polygala vulgaris | Common Milkwort | r | |||||||||||
Polygonum depressum | Equal-leaved Knotgrass | lo | lf | ||||||||||
Polygonum oxyspermum ssp. raii | Ray’s Knotgrass | o | lf | r | o | o | r | r | vlo | lo | lo | SCI | |
Potentilla anserina | r | r | |||||||||||
Puccinellia maritima | Common Salt-marsh Grass | a | a | la | vlf | la | |||||||
Pulicaria dysenterica | Common Fleabane | r | |||||||||||
Ranunculus bulbosus | Bulbous Buttercup | r | |||||||||||
Ranunculus flammula | Lesser Spearwort | r | r | r | VU | ||||||||
Ranunculus repens | Creeping Buttercup | r | |||||||||||
Ranunculus sceleratus | Celery-leaved Buttercup | r | lo | ||||||||||
Raphanus raphanistrum ssp. maritimum | Sea Radish | r | r | r | r | o | r | r | r | SCI | |||
Rosa rugosa* | Japanese Rose | r | r | ||||||||||
Rubus caesius | Dewberry | r | r | r | |||||||||
Rumex acetosella | Sheep’s Sorrel | lf | |||||||||||
Rumex conglomeratus | Clustered Dock | r | r | r | r | r | |||||||
Rumex crispus | Curled Dock | r | o | o | o | o | o | r | r | r | lo | lo | |
Rumex obtusifolius | Broad-leaved Dock | r | r | r | r | lo | lo | ||||||
Sagina maritima | Sea Pearlwort | vlf | vlf | ||||||||||
Sagina nodosa | Knotted Pearlwort | r | lf | vlo | lf | VU | |||||||
Salicornia dolichostachya | Long-stalked Glasswort | r | |||||||||||
Salicornia europaea | Common Glasswort | lo | |||||||||||
Salicornia ramosissima | Purple Glasswort | lo | r | ||||||||||
Salix × fragilis* | Hybrid Crack-willow | r | r | r | r | r | |||||||
Salix × smithiana (?) | r | ||||||||||||
Salix caprea | Goat Willow | lo | |||||||||||
Salix cinerea | Grey Willow | lo | |||||||||||
Salix repens | Creeping Willow | r | NT | ||||||||||
Salix viminalis | Osier | r | r | ||||||||||
Salsola kali | Prickly Saltwort | o | o | o | r | r | r | r | lo | VU SCI | |||
Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani | Grey Club-rush | r | SCI | ||||||||||
Scorzoneroides autumnalis | Autumn Hawkbit | r | |||||||||||
Sedum acre | Biting Stonecrop | r | |||||||||||
Senecio squalidus* | Oxford Ragwort | r | |||||||||||
Senecio vulgaris subsp. denticulatus | Groundsel | o | lf | lf | NS | ||||||||
Senecio vulgaris subsp. vulgaris | Groundsel | o | o | r | r | r | r | o | r | lo | lf | ||
Silene sp. | Campion | r | |||||||||||
Sinapis arvensis | Charlock | r | |||||||||||
Sisymbrium officinale | Hedge Mustard | r | |||||||||||
Solanum lycopersicum* | Tomato | r | |||||||||||
Sonchus arvensis | Perennial Sowthistle | r | r | r | r | o | o | o | o | o | vlo | ||
Sonchus asper | Prickly Sowthistle | r | o | r | r | r | r | o | o | o | o | ||
Sonchus oleraceus | Smooth Sowthistle | r | r | r | o | o | o | o | o | o | |||
Stellaria media | Common Chickweed | r | r | r | |||||||||
Suaeda maritima | Annual Sea-blite | r | r | lo | r | ||||||||
Symphyotrichum sp.* | Michaelmas-daisy | r | o | ||||||||||
Taraxacum agg. | Dandelion | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | ||
Tragopogon pratensis | Goat’s-beard | r | |||||||||||
Trifolium dubium | Lesser Trefoil | r | vla | vla | |||||||||
Trifolium fragiferum | Strawberry Clover | lo | lo | vla | |||||||||
Trifolium hybridum* | Alsike Clover | r | r | ||||||||||
Trifolium repens | White Clover | r | vla | vla | vla | lf | lf | vlf | |||||
Triglochin maritima | Sea Arrow-grass | r | lo | ||||||||||
Tripleurospermum maritimum | Sea Mayweed | o | o | o | r | r | r | r | lf | o | o | ||
Tripolium pannonicum | Sea Aster | r | r | r | r | r | r | lo | lo | ||||
Triticum aestivum* | Bread Wheat | r | |||||||||||
Tussilago farfara | Colt’s-foot | r | r | o | lf | lf | lo | lo | lo | lf | lf | lf | |
Urtica dioica | Common Nettle | r | r | r | r | ||||||||
Valeriana officinalis | Common Valerian | r | vlo | ||||||||||
Verbena officinalis* | Vervain | r | SCI | ||||||||||
Veronica catenata | Pink Water-speedwell | ||||||||||||
Vulpia fasciculata | Dune Fescue | vla | vla | NS SCI | |||||||||
Total 165 taxa (24 non-native) | 44 | 54 | 35 | 35 | 42 | 53 | 62 | 66 | 57 | 122 | 65 | 20 |
Taxon | English name | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | Stat |
Aira praecox | Early Hair-grass | vlf | |||||||||||
Agrostis stolonifera | Creeping Bent | r | o | f | a | a | a | a | a | a | a | a | |
Alisma plantago-aquatica | Water Plantain | r | |||||||||||
Alnus cordata* | Italian Alder | r | |||||||||||
Alnus glutinosa | Alder | r | r | o | o | o | o | ||||||
Alopecurus geniculatus | Marsh Fox-tail | r | |||||||||||
Ammophila arenaria | Marram | r | lo | lo | lo | lo | lo | lo | |||||
Anacamptis pyramidalis | Pyramidal Orchid | r | SCI | ||||||||||
Angelica archangelica* | Garden Angelica | r | r | r | r | r | r | ||||||
Angelica sylvestris | Wild Angelica | r | r | lf | lo | lo | lo | ||||||
Anthoxanthum odoratum | Sweet Vernal-grass | r | r | r | r | ||||||||
Anthyllis vulneraria | Kidney-vetch | vlo | lo | lf | |||||||||
Apium graveolens | Wild Celery | r | SCI | ||||||||||
Arenaria serpyllifolia | Thyme-leaved Sandwort | r | r | ||||||||||
Arrhenatherum elatius | False Oat-grass | vlf | r | ||||||||||
Artemisia vulgaris | Mugwort | r | |||||||||||
Asparagus officinalis* | Garden Asparagus | r | |||||||||||
Atriplex laciniata | Frosted Orache | r | SCI | ||||||||||
Atriplex littoralis | Grass-leaved Orache | lo | |||||||||||
Atriplex prostrata | Spear-leaved Orache | o | lf | o | r | r | lf | ||||||
Avena sativa* | Oat | r | |||||||||||
Bellis perennis | Daisy | r | r | o | o | o | lo | lf | lf | ||||
Berula erecta | Lesser Water-parsnip | r | vlf | vlf | vlf | la | la | la | |||||
Beta vulgaris ssp. maritima | Sea Beet | r | o | o | r | r | |||||||
Betula pubescens | Downy Birch | r | |||||||||||
Blackstonia perfoliata | Yellow-wort | o | o | o | o | o | o | ||||||
Bolboschoenus maritimus | Sea Club-rush | o | o | lf | la | la | la | la | la | a | a | a | |
Brassica napus | Wild Turnip | o | r | ||||||||||
Bromus hordeaceus | Soft Brome | r | r | vlf | |||||||||
Cakile maritima | Sea Rocket | o | r | r | r | o | r | ||||||
Cardamine pratensis | Cuckoo-flower | r | r | o | |||||||||
Carex arenaria | Sand Sedge | r | r | lo | o | o | la | la | la | la | la | la | |
Carex distans | Distant Sedge | r | r | r | r | r | r | ||||||
Carex extensa | Long-bracted Sedge | r | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | ||||
Carex flacca | Glaucous Sedge | o | o | la | la | la | la | ||||||
Carex otrubae | False Fox-sedge | r | r | r | r | o | r | o | o | o | |||
Carex viridula | Small-fruited Yellow-sedge | lo | lo | lo | lo | lo | lo | SCI | |||||
Centaurium erythraea | Common Centaury | lo | lo | lo | lo | lf | lf | ||||||
Centaurium littorale | Seaside Centaury | r | r | r | NS SCI | ||||||||
Centaurium pulchellum | Lesser Centaury | vlf | lf | lf | lf | o | o | SCI | |||||
Cerastium diffusum | Sea Mouse-ear | o | o | o | |||||||||
Cerastium fontanum | Common Mouse-ear | r | r | o | o | o | o | o | |||||
Cirsium arvense | Creeping Thistle | o | r | r | r | lo | o | o | o | vlf | |||
Cirsium vulgare | Spear Thistle | r | r | r | o | o | o | r | |||||
Cochlearia anglica | English Scurvy-grass | r | r | r | |||||||||
Cochlearia danica | Danish Scurvy-grass | r | r | ||||||||||
Crepis capillaris | Smooth Hawk’s-beard | r | o | o | r | r | o | r | |||||
Crepis vesicaria* | Beaked Hawk’s-beard | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | |||||
Dactylis glomerata | Cock’s-foot | r | r | r | r | ||||||||
Dactylorhiza fuchsii | Common Spotted-orchid | r | |||||||||||
Dactylorhiza incarnata ssp. coccinea | Early Marsh-orchid | r | o | o | o | lf | lf | NS NT SCI | |||||
Dactylorhiza incarnata ssp. incarnata | Early Marsh-orchid | r | r | r | SCI | ||||||||
Dactylorhiza praetermissa | Southern Marsh-orchid | r | o | r | o | o | |||||||
Dactylorhiza purpurella | Northern Marsh-orchid | r | SCI | ||||||||||
Eleocharis palustris | Common Spike-rush | r | vla | la | la | la | la | la | la | ||||
Eleocharis quinqueflora | Few-flowered Spike-rush | vlo | vla | la | la | la | la | la | SCI | ||||
Eleocharis uniglumis | Slender Spike-rush | vlf | SCI | ||||||||||
Elymus junceiformis | Sand Couch | lo | o | la | la | la | |||||||
Elymus repens | Common Couch | r | r | r | r | lf | lo | r | |||||
Epilobium ciliatum* | American Willowherb | r | o | o | o | o | o | ||||||
Epilobium hirsutum | Great Willowherb | r | r | r | r | o | o | o | o | o | o | ||
Epilobium montanum | Broad-leaved Willowherb | o | r | r | |||||||||
Epilobium obscurum | Short-fruited Willowherb | r | r | r | r | r | |||||||
Epilobium palustre | Marsh Willowherb | o | r | o | o | o | o | lf | |||||
Epilobium parviflorum | Hoary Willowherb | r | o | lf | lf | lf | lf | lf | lf | ||||
Epipactis palustris | Marsh Helleborine | o | o | o | o | o | NT SCI | ||||||
Equisetum variegatum | Variegated Horsetail | vla | vla | vla | SCI | ||||||||
Erigeron acris | Blue Fleabane | r | r | r | |||||||||
Erigeron canadensis* | Canadian Fleabane | r | o | o | o | ||||||||
Erigeron sumatrensis* | Guernsey Fleabane | r | r | vlo | r | lo | r | ||||||
Eryngium maritimum | Sea Holly | r | r | r | r | r | r | SCI | |||||
Eupatorium cannabinum | Hemp-agrimony | r | r | r | r | ||||||||
Euphorbia paralias | Sea Spurge | r | r | r | r | r | r | SCI | |||||
Euphrasia confusa | Confused Eyebright | lo | lo | lo | lo | VU | |||||||
Euphrasia nemorosa | Common Eyebright | r | r | lo | lo | lo | lo | NT NT | |||||
Festuca ovina | Sheep’s Fescue | r | |||||||||||
Festuca rubra | Red Fescue | r | r | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | |||
Filipendula ulmaria | Meadow-sweet | r | r | r | vlf | ||||||||
Galium palustre | Marsh Bedstraw | o | o | o | o | o | |||||||
Glyceria maxima | Reed Sweet-grass | r | r | r | r | r | vla | ||||||
Helosciadium nodiflorus | Fool’s Water-cress | r | r | r | |||||||||
Hieracium sp. | Hawkweed | r | |||||||||||
Hieracium umbellatum | Umbellate Hawkweed | r | |||||||||||
Hippophae rhamnoides* | Sea Buckthorn | r | r | o | o | o | o | r | r | r | |||
Holcus lanatus | Yorkshire-fog | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | ||
Hydrocotyle vulgaris | Marsh Pennywort | r | vlf | vlf | vlf | lf | lf | lf | |||||
Hypochaeris radicata | Cat’s-ear | r | o | r | o | o | o | o | o | o | |||
Impatiens glandulifera* | Himalayan Balsam | r | r | ||||||||||
Iris pseudacorus | Yellow Iris | r | r | r | r | o | o | o | o | o | o | ||
Isolepis setacea | Bristle Club-rush | r | r | r | r | r | |||||||
Jacobaea vulgaris | Common Ragwort | o | o | o | o | o | lf | o | o | r | |||
Juncus articulatus | Jointed Rush | o | o | o | f | la | la | a | a | a | a | a | |
Juncus bufonius | Toad Rush | r | r | o | o | r | o | lf | la | la | |||
Juncus gerardii | Saltmarsh Rush | r | r | r | r | r | vla | vla | |||||
Juncus maritimus | Sea Rush | r | r | r | r | r | r | SCI | |||||
Juncus ranarius | Frog Rush | o | la | lf | f | o | lo | lf | vlo | SCI | |||
Leontodon saxatilis | Lesser Hawkbit | r | r | r | o | o | o | o | o | o | |||
Leymus arenarius | Lyme-grass | r | r | r | r | r | |||||||
Lolium perenne | Perennial Rye-grass | r | r | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | ||
Lotus corniculatus | Common Bird’s-foot-trefoil | r | r | r | r | vlf | vlf | vlf | vlf | ||||
Lotus pedunculatus | Great Bird’s-foot-trefoil | r | vla | ||||||||||
Lycopus europaeus | Gypsywort | r | o | o | r | o | o | o | f | f | o | ||
Lysimachia maritima | Sea Milkwort | o | o | o | lf | lf | la | la | la | la | la | la | |
Matricaria discoidea* | Pineapple-weed | r | |||||||||||
Mentha aquatica | Water Mint | r | r | lo | lo | o | o | o | |||||
Myosotis laxa | Tufted Forget-me-not | r | r | r | o | r | r | o | o | ||||
Myosotis ramosissima | Early Forget-me-not | r | SCI | ||||||||||
Nasturtium officinale | Watercress | r | r | r | o | ||||||||
Odontites vernus | Red Bartsia | r | r | r | r | r | lf | ||||||
Oenanthe crocata | Hemlock Water-dropwort | r | r | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | |||
Oenanthe lachenalii | Parsley Water-dropwort | o | r | o | o | o | lf | o | o | SCI | |||
Oenothera biennis* | Common Evening-primrose | r | |||||||||||
Oenothera x fallax* | Intermediate Evening-primrose | r | r | r | r | o | r | ||||||
Ononis repens | Common Restharrow | r | r | r | r | r | lf | lf | |||||
Ophrys apifera | Bee Orchid | vlo | r | r | lo | ||||||||
Oxybasis rubra | Red Goosefoot | r | o | o | r | r | SCI | ||||||
Parapholis strigosa | Hard-grass | la | la | la | la | la | la | ||||||
Parnassia palustris | Grass-of-Parnassus | r | o | lf | lf | lf | lf | VU SCI | |||||
Pastinaca sativa | Wild Parsnip | r | |||||||||||
Persicaria hydropiper | Water-pepper | r | |||||||||||
Persicaria maculosa | Redshank | r | r | ||||||||||
Phalaris arundinacea | Reed Canary-grass | r | r | r | r | ||||||||
Phleum arenarium | Sand Cat’s-tail | vlf | lf | NT SCI | |||||||||
Phragmites australis | Common Reed | r | r | r | vlf | vlf | lf | lf | lf | la | |||
Pilosella officinarum | Mouse-ear Hawkweed | r | |||||||||||
Plantago coronopus | Buck’s-horn Plantain | r | r | o | o | lf | o | o | o | o | |||
Plantago lanceolata | Ribwort Plantain | r | r | r | r | r | o | r | |||||
Plantago major | Great Plantain | r | r | r | r | r | o | o | o | o | o | ||
Plantago maritima | Sea Plantain | o | o | r | r | r | r | r | r | r | r | ||
Poa annua | Annual Meadow-grass | o | lf | o | lf | lf | lf | o | r | lo | lo | lo | |
Poa pratensis | Smooth Meadow-grass | r | r | r | vlf | r | |||||||
Poa trivialis | Rough Meadow-grass | r | r | la | r | ||||||||
Polygonum oxyspermum ssp. raii | Ray’s Knotgrass | o | lf | o | o | o | lf | lf | r | SCI | |||
Populus x canadensis* | Hybrid Black-poplar | r | |||||||||||
Potentilla anserina | Silver-weed | r | r | o | lo | lf | o | o | o | ||||
Potentilla reptans | Creeping Cinquefoil | r | |||||||||||
Prunella vulgaris | Selfheal | la | lo | lo | |||||||||
Puccinellia maritima | Common Salt-marsh Grass | a | a | a | a | la | vlf | ||||||
Pulicaria dysenterica | Common Fleabane | o | o | o | o | o | |||||||
Pyrola rotundifolia | Round-leaved Wintergreen | r | NS SCI | ||||||||||
Ranunculus acris | Meadow Buttercup | r | r | r | |||||||||
Ranunculus bulbosus | Bulbous Buttercup | r | r | r | |||||||||
Ranunculus flammula | Lesser Spearwort | r | o | o | o | lf | la | la | VU | ||||
Ranunculus repens | Creeping Buttercup | r | r | la | lo | ||||||||
Ranunculus sceleratus | Celery-leaved Buttercup | o | o | o | o | lf | o | o | r | ||||
Raphanus raphanistrum ssp. maritimus | Sea Radish | r | r | r | SCI | ||||||||
Reynoutria japonica* | Japanese Knotweed | r | |||||||||||
Rosa rugosa* | Japanese Rose | r | r | r | r | r | |||||||
Rubus caesius | Dewberry | r | r | r | r | o | r | o | r | r | |||
Rumex conglomeratus | Clustered Dock | r | o | o | o | r | r | r | r | r | |||
Rumex crispus | Curled Dock | r | r | o | o | lf | lf | lo | o | o | o | o | |
Rumex obtusifolius | Broad-leaved Dock | r | r | r | r | ||||||||
Sagina apetala | Annual Pearlwort | r | r | vla | |||||||||
Sagina filicaulis | Slender Pearlwort | r | |||||||||||
Sagina maritima | Sea Pearlwort | vla | o | o | |||||||||
Sagina nodosa | Knotted Pearlwort | r | r | r | o | o | lf | lf | lf | la | VU | ||
Sagina procumbens | Procumbent Pearlwort | vlo | r | vla | |||||||||
Salicornia europaea | Common Glasswort | o | r | r | r | ||||||||
Salicornia ramosissima | Purple Glasswort | o | r | r | |||||||||
Salix ×doniana | Don’s Willow | r | r | r | NR | ||||||||
Salix ×fragilis* | Hybrid Crack-willow | r | r | o | o | o | o | o | |||||
Salix ×fragilis forma basfordiana* | Hybrid Crack-willow | r | r | r | |||||||||
Salix ×friesiana | Hybrid Willow | r | o | o | o | o | o | NR | |||||
Salix ×holosericea | Silky-leaved Osier | r | r | ||||||||||
Salix ×smithiana | Broad-leaved Osier | r | r | r | r | ||||||||
Salix alba | White Willow | r | r | r | o | o | r | ||||||
Salix caprea | Goat Willow | o | o | o | o | o | o | ||||||
Salix cinerea subsp. cinerea | Grey Willow | r | r | ||||||||||
Salix cinerea subsp. oleifolia | Grey Willow | r | r | o | o | o | o | o | f | lf | |||
Salix repens | Creeping Willow | r | o | r | r | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | NT |
Salix viminalis | Osier | r | r | o | o | o | o | r | |||||
Salsola kali | Prickly Saltwort | r | r | VU SCI | |||||||||
Samolus valerandi | Brookweed | r | r | o | lf | la | la | o | lf | la | SCI | ||
Schedonorus arundinaceus | Tall Fescue | r | r | ||||||||||
Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani | Grey Club-rush | r | o | o | o | r | vla | lf | vla | vlf | vlf | SCI | |
Scrophularia auriculata | Water Figwort | r | |||||||||||
Senecio squalidus | Oxford Ragwort | r | |||||||||||
Senecio vulgaris subsp. denticulatus | Groundsel | o | o | r | NS | ||||||||
Senecio vulgaris subsp. vulgaris | Groundsel | lo | r | r | r | o | o | ||||||
Silene dioica | Red Campion | r | |||||||||||
Sinapis arvensis | Charlock | r | |||||||||||
Sisyrinchium californicum* | Yellow-eyed-grass | r | r | vlf | vlf | vlf | |||||||
Solanum dulcamara | Bittersweet | r | |||||||||||
Sonchus arvensis | Perennial Sowthistle | o | vlf | o | o | o | o | o | |||||
Sonchus asper | Prickly Sowthistle | r | r | o | r | o | o | o | o | o | |||
Sonchus oleraceus | Smooth Sow-thistle | o | r | r | o | o | o | o | |||||
Spartina anglica* | Common Cord-grass | r | r | o | o | r | |||||||
Spergularia marina. | Lesser Sea-spurrey | r | r | r | |||||||||
Suaeda maritima | Annual Sea-blite | r | o | r | |||||||||
Symphyotrichum sp.* | Michaelmas-daisy | r | r | r | vlf | vlf | |||||||
Taraxacum agg. | Dandelion | r | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | ||||
Thalictrum flavum | Common Meadow-rue | r | SCI | ||||||||||
Trifolium dubium | Lesser Trefoil | r | r | r | vla | vla | |||||||
Trifolium fragiferum | Strawberry Clover | o | vla | vla | la | la | la | la | la | SCI | |||
Trifolium hybridum* | Alsike Clover | r | |||||||||||
Trifolium pratense | Red Clover | r | o | o | o | la | la | ||||||
Trifolium repens | White Clover | r | vla | vla | vla | vla | vla | la | la | ||||
Triglochin maritima | Sea Arrow-grass | o | r | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | ||
Triglochin palustre | Marsh Arrow-grass | r | vlf | vlf | vlf | vlf | r | SCI, NT | |||||
Tripleurospermum maritimum | Sea Mayweed | o | lf | lo | o | o | o | o | lf | o | o | o | |
Tripolium pannonicum | Sea Aster | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | r | lo | |||
Tussilago farfara | Colt’s-foot | r | r | r | o | o | o | o | o | lf | |||
Typha latifolia | Bulrush | r | r | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | |
Valeriana officinalis | Common Valerian | r | r | lo | vlf | ||||||||
Veronica catenata | Pink Water-speedwell | r | |||||||||||
Vulpia fasciculata | Dune Fescue | vla | la | la | la | vla | NS SCI | ||||||
Total = 206; 22 alien | 27 | 42 | 72 | 72 | 110 | 133 | 127 | 142 | 129 | 113 | 106 | 40 |