Howard Harris
Howard Harris It is with deep sadness that we mark the passing of Howard Harris earlier this month.…
Howard Harris It is with deep sadness that we mark the passing of Howard Harris earlier this month.…
Despite two days of Storm Hannah, it being our first year and a fairly laid back approach… the results are in..
And you did yourselves and the Liverpool City Region proud! Here are some of the stats from the 4 days;
The LCR 3 key stats are;
Observations: 12,326
Species: 1,075
Observers: 121
EDWARD O. WILSON ( at 89) is one of the world’s renowned myrmecologists (studied ants) and has been an enthusiastic naturalist since the age of 7. Growing up in the Alabama swamplands, natural history kept him on an even keel through broken schooling, parental separation and his father’s suicide. Ensconced at Harvard, since the early 1950’s, he pioneered the exploration of New Guinea as an entomologist and developed the study of desert island re-colonisation in the Florida Keys.
Sixteen members of North West Fungus Group attended on a beautiful autumn day. Our first foray since the area was taken over by The National Trust. First stop was at Ravenmeols where we checked on the decreasing patch of Tulostoma brumale. We also recorded some rarities in Hebeloma dunense and Inocybe dunensis, in the dunes (where else?).