Merseyside BioBank Active Naturalists are re-launching fresh for 2017

  • Post category:Information

The survey below is time limited so please complete at your earliest opportunity! Merseyside BioBank Active Naturalists are re-launching fresh for 2017 with an updated group constitution and a rejuvenated sense of purpose. We are keen to connect with existing group members and with volunteers who have shown an interest in the past. The purpose of this survey is to reach out and gain some initial feedback which the committee can then assess to help make the group re-launch as soon as possible.

The survey below is time limited so please complete at your earliest opportunity! Merseyside BioBank Active Naturalists are re-launching fresh for 2017 with an updated group constitution and a rejuvenated sense of purpose. We are keen to connect with existing group members and with volunteers who have shown an interest in the past. The purpose of this survey is to reach out and gain some initial feedback which the committee can then assess to help make the group re-launch as soon as possible.

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