So far the sessions have looked at everything from Carrion Beetles to Bryophytes! (not to mention the awesome wonder that are the Springtails) with even a few outdoor intros to eDNA (Amanda) and vacuum sampling (Steve). It is this type of mentoring that the group was really founded to try and encourage. You are the enthusiasts and by sharing your knowledge with and supporting each other we can create a strong network of naturalists that can last well beyond the lifetime of any one project or even organisation.
Thank you to everyone who turned up on the 21st to make the June Twilight Session at MBB another enjoyable evening!
Our 6th Twilight Session this year. We have seen a good focus on entomology, thanks in a large part to Gary and the Tanyptera Project.
So far the sessions have looked at everything from Carrion Beetles to Bryophytes! (not to mention the awesome wonder that are the Springtails) with even a few outdoor intros to eDNA (Amanda) and vacuum sampling (Steve). It is this type of mentoring that the group was really founded to try and encourage. You are the enthusiasts and by sharing your knowledge with and supporting each other we can create a strong network of naturalists that can last well beyond the lifetime of any one project or even organisation.
Last nights session focused quite a lot on the Shieldbugs (with a nod to Bees, Bryo’s and Springtails). The new ‘progression atlas’ project website can be found here. With support resources being available via the MBAN Facebook Group.
It has been a pleasure to see so many attend, re-attend and engage in helping learning from and teaching each other. Long may it continue!
Twilight Session are currently booked in until November this year. Every third Thursday. Come and join us and help create a great network of biological recorders.